by Jennifer Zinck | 08 December 2011 | Photographs, Treasure Chest Thursday
This lovely couple is Tom and Jenny, my grandmother’s grandparents. Jenny is my enate great-great grandmother. There was a family story that they loved each other so much that they got married twice. Their story probably could have gone on forever if not for...
by Jennifer Zinck | 08 December 2011 | Advent
COOKIES! One of my favorite subjects. My mom is a phenomenal baker. I’m not so bad myself. I think my mom learned it from her mom who learned it from her mom and probably on back until the beginning of time, with the rise of the first baker somewhere along...
by Jennifer Zinck | 07 December 2011 | Advent
Holiday parties were not a big thing in my family growing up. Last year we threw a holiday party for the kids and their friends. This year we decided to use that time and money for a day trip to New York City instead. That will be an instant holiday party, I’m...
by Jennifer Zinck | 06 December 2011 | Advent
I think that the 1974 Rankin-Bass production of The Year Without a Santa Claus said it best. “I believe in Santa Claus, like I believe in love.” This is true. I really do. My son thinks that I’m a freak. I heard him whisper to his friend (when he...
by Jennifer Zinck | 05 December 2011 | Advent
There was one house… there’s always that one house, right? The house across from the post office had the most impressive Christmas lights. My mom drove us by it and told us that they had the same lights when she was a kid, too. They had a massive star...