Advent Calendar 2011 – Christmas Cards

In my house growing up, we had built-in cabinets with glass doors in the hallway and my mother and grandmother used to put cards in all of the windows.  Sometimes I didn’t know who the senders were, but I loved to look at all of the pretty cards.  I looked...

Advent Calendar 2011 – Christmas Tree Ornaments

When I moved out on my own, I was entrusted with some very special ornaments that had belonged to my grandmother.  I also had all of the ornaments that I made as a child and a few that my oldest son had made.  I lived in an apartment and had all of my personal...

Advent Calendar 2011 – Holiday Foods

You won’t find any figgy pudding at my family celebrations.  You might find some fruitcakes, but they won’t be the edible kind! Growing up, we enjoyed the typical kinds of holiday meals like turkey, roast beef, or ham. Fast forward.  I’m the adult. ...

Advent Calendar 2011 – The Christmas Tree

The Christmas tree was so important in our house as a child that we even had a special “nook” for it!  Throughout the rest of the year, the spot remained empty except for the occasional winter when a sewing machine would occupy the space if the sewing...