Autosomal DNA Tests for Parents?

I have already taken an autosomal DNA test.  Should I test my parent(s)? The answer is YES!  Absolutely! Because of the random way in which autosomal DNA is inherited, each child only receives a portion of each parent’s DNA.  The child is made up of 50% from the...

The Results are In: My Mother’s Cousin’s DNA

Most of my maternal heritage is English and Irish.  My mother has many Family Tree DNA Family Finder matches for her autosomal DNA but I cannot tell whether they came from her mother’s side or her father’s side.  In order to try to sort this out, I need to...

NERGC 2013 – Saturday

Another early morning.  This morning started with a ProGen breakfast at 7:00 A.M.  It was nice to get to visit with other ProGen members and also to spend some time with my mentor, Sandy Clunies.  Christine Cook from my group was also in attendance.  It was great for...

NERGC 2013 – Friday

Wow, today seemed to go on forever but I’ll try to give a quick recap before going to bed so that I can be back at the conference hotel in less than six hours.  Exhausting but totally worth it!  I’m not used to burning the candle on both ends like this but...

Family Tree DNA announces DNA Day Sale

Family Tree DNA has announced its annual DNA Day sale.  This sale will focus on the FMS full mitochondrial sequence and Family Finder autosomal DNA tests.  With the implementation of The Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) for mitochondrial DNA, costs can be reduced...