by Jennifer Zinck | 18 June 2014 | DNA, General, Genetic Genealogy
The Engineering team at Family Tree DNA has been busy preparing some new settings and features for us. Over the past week or two, there had been some question among admins about pricing on the Y-DNA25 test. It has been adjusted to put it inline with other tests. A SNP...
by Jennifer Zinck | 06 January 2014 | DNA, Education, Genetic Genealogy
Family Tree DNA is now offering FREE live webinars. Sign up for any or all that interest you. Kudos to Elise Freidman for including information on X chromosome matching so quickly! There are also three pre-recorded webinars to watch at your convenience. Don’t...
by Jennifer Zinck | 09 November 2013 | Conferences, DNA, Genetic Genealogy, Technology
Max Blankfeld opened the conference with a welcome. Max talked about competition making for healthy growth. This has been the best year ever and there are great things in the pipeline. In June of this year, what started as an acquisition became something that could...
by Jennifer Zinck | 09 November 2013 | Conferences, DNA, Technology
It’s that time of year again! Genetic Genealogy enthusiasts have gathered at the Sheraton North Houston for the 9th Annual International Conference on Genetic Genealogy. This year lab tours were offered on Friday as well as Monday, which is great for those who...
by Jennifer Zinck | 24 April 2013 | DNA, General, Genetic Genealogy
I have already taken an autosomal DNA test. Should I test my parent(s)? The answer is YES! Absolutely! Because of the random way in which autosomal DNA is inherited, each child only receives a portion of each parent’s DNA. The child is made up of 50% from the...
by Jennifer Zinck | 23 April 2013 | DNA, General
Most of my maternal heritage is English and Irish. My mother has many Family Tree DNA Family Finder matches for her autosomal DNA but I cannot tell whether they came from her mother’s side or her father’s side. In order to try to sort this out, I need to...