As the first grandchild, I was the lucky recipient of Harvey, the bunny that my grandfather won at Wolfe’s Bakery, one of the yummiest places of my childhood. In this picture, it seems as though I was more interested in the candy or whatever else was going on in the room. Maybe someone was coming to take away the candy.
By the next year, I had a baby sister to take on a visit to the Easter Bunny. Based on what we were wearing, we must have been visiting our snowbird grandparents in Florida.
In 1975, we see that my sister wore my hand-me-down dress. I hadn’t noticed that before today. Timelines are extremely useful clue-finding tools for genealogists!
I must have liked our visit to the bunny because later that year, I dressed as a bunny for Halloween. My mom was a rockstar with a sewing machine and made me this spiffy bunny costume.
I’m not sure about this next one but I remember having more Easters in Florida. Maybe this was it? I love those adorable outfits. More creations by mom?
So, about all those weeks of school I missed as a kid. I was in Florida visiting the Easter Bunny. Priorities, people! (If you must know how I tore up my leg, I thought it was a super bright idea to use my rollerskates while holding on to a rope being pulled by Beau, who lived up the street, while he rode his bicycle. Everything was going fine until that speed bump…)
The last picture I have of me on Easter is when my cousin Kate was a bitty one. We still spend every Easter together.