by Jennifer Zinck | 02 August 2016 | DNA, General, Genetic Genealogy
Ancestry has rolled out a trial tool to approximately 10% of its customers. I know this makes the other 90% of us impatient but let’s hope that good things come to those who wait. This tool seems to be worth waiting for. The aim is to integrate DNA features into...
by Jennifer Zinck | 07 July 2016 | DNA, General, Genetic Genealogy
Circles vs. triangulation has been a hot topic for the past couple of days so I thought I’d throw in my two cents. I rarely use a chromosome browser to solve adoption cases. However, there are definite occasions when a hypothesis needs further investigation and...
by Jennifer Zinck | 18 November 2015 | DNA, Forensic Genealogy, General, Genetic Genealogy
“Mommy, Brother says I’m adopted!” I’ve heard that before, when my oldest son convinced my second son that he was adopted. It seems to be the thing for siblings to do. A decade later, when my second son tried it on his little sister, this mom was prepared. Come over...
by Jennifer Zinck | 12 March 2015 | DNA, General, Genetic Genealogy
On August 31, 2011, I joined the R-DF21 and Subclades Project at Family Tree DNA with a kit I manage that represents my maternal grandfather’s Y-DNA, or direct male line. My grandfather’s favorite day was St. Patrick’s Day, and also the day that he...
by Jennifer Zinck | 12 October 2014 | DNA, General, Genetic Genealogy
I had to make a choice to get this out now and messy or later and edited… I think most people want it NOW so please don’t mind the typos. These are basically raw notes with no proofreading. Dr. Michael Hammer presented Ancient and Modern DNA Update: How...